Friday, January 1, 2010

"Who We Are" by: Michael D. Fouraker

It was early that morning,
Only a handful was awake.
The time was slowly turning,
Each of us waiting for a break.

We all were surely tired
Every bone in our body ached
Pain is nothing but a feeling
The mind can overtake

We serve our country so proudly
Our minds set only on the mission
Never heard of the word cowardly
For we do not know the definition

The enemy is plotting against us
Wanting us dead in every way
We give our bodies and our souls
For the freedom of the U.S of A.

Our children will look back
Wondering how and what we did
Some of them will read about us
The others will want it hid

For we are the fighting force
America's 911
No one else can be like us
We will fight and refuse to run

We are defined as Devil Dogs
Our patriotism is so true
We defend the colors of our country
The Red, White, and the Blue

You can join the other services
But why settle for second best
Our boundaries have no limits
The hell with all the rest

We come from cities big and small
From families rich and poor
We are considered a band of brothers
In the United States Marine Corps