Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Received an update at 5:00 AM. The phone reception is really bad from that base, so again, he's what I got:

1) As of now, no surgery
2) Keeping him at this base to monitor until Sat.
3) Not coming home early. He's not upset with this. Say's it's only a couple months more, and he'll like the extra money. Also, he can pack up his belongings himself. They would've left them there, and had someone pack for him.
4) He saw a Burger King on this base, and said, "I think I'm gonna have a burger!" Probably will kill his stomach, since he's been eating healthy, and hasn't had a burger. But he'll enjoy it for a bit, lol!
5) He still has his sense of humor! Love that boy:)

He will try and find a computer to let me know updates, or will call again. Until next time......