Well, here are some new pictures for you.....I was happy to get them, at first. I was talking to him when he told me he would post new pictures. I had to run Kayla into the doctor, and when I got back, I couldn't wait to get on the computer, and get a glimpse of my boy. Well, all I can say is my excitement turned into sorrow. I wish I was able to be there with him when he was getting his stitches, flying with him to the other base, holding his hand when needed, getting him his medicine......all those things a mom does when her child is sick or hurt. I don't think that ever goes away, does it?
He isn't able to do his base fire shift, or the airstrip shift, as he's not to have a helmet on for at least a month. Looks like he's left with base dispatch.
how do you do it!? the amount of worry and concern i have for toddlers, i can only imagine how much harder it gets! prayers.
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