Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Begining:

Well, today is January 1, 2010....and as you can see I'm a bad family blogger! I have a really hard time keeping up with this. I've actually thought long and hard about deleting this one, since so many are on facebook. I'll try it out again for a while, but please join as a follower. It's hard thinking about doing all of this work, and only for two people! I'm not going to go back and post past happenings. I'll tell you that the past six months have been filled with a multitude of things. These include: a car accident, our son deploying to Afghanistan, our daughter becoming an EMT and getting someone very special in her life, our little one starting first grade and numerous other things. I will start a new post with some of Kenneth's pictures from Afghanistan. Happy New Year to all of you!