Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I didn't do a garden this year knowing I would be gone a lot, and the fact that I want to move it to a new spot, and not getting the help this year. Maybe next year. Anyways, I had some zucchini that needed to be used, and wanted to try something different. I found this recipe, and it's perfect for fall! The house smelled soooooo good! Hope you enjoy, and leave me a comment if you try this recipe.

3 eggs, lightly beaten

2 C. sugar

1 C. canned pumpkin

1 C. melted butter

1 TBS vanilla

3 C. all-purpose flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg

1/2 tsp. ground cloves

1 C. shredded zucchini ( I put a bit more in)

In a mixing bowl, combine eggs and sugar. Add pumpkin, butter, and vanilla. Mix well. Combine dry ingredients; gradually add to pumpkin mixture and mix well. Stir in zucchini. Pour into 2 greased and floured loaf pans. Bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes or until bread tests done. Cool bread in pans for 10 minutes then remove to wire rack.


This was the first time we, as in me and my kids, got to use the camper. Kenny has lived in it when he works out of town, but we have never, and I repeat, never used it to camp in! We went to Goose Lake up by McCall. Spent most of the time fishing......well, actually, getting hung up, catching wood, and getting frustrated! God I love fishing...NOT! That's why I sat back with a book in one hand, and my camera in the other....


Man, do I have one crazy family! Yep, what happens at the cabin.....stays at the cabin! I have so many pictures I could post, but for the sake of embarrassing certain family members I won't! Had a great weekend visiting, drinking dancing, tubing, etc. Can't wait for next year. Maybe Kenneth can take the time to come home then, and our family will be complete!


Decided to take a weekend trip in July to see Kenneth. Kali, my mom, my niece and I drove down. Kenneth's girlfriend Tera got to come spend the weekend with us as well. During that weekend we got to watch the Crash Fire Rescue Marines practice soccer. I believe they are getting a team together, and will play other teams here sometime. We also spent a bit of time in the pool, and at the beach watching Kenneth surf. Kali decided she wanted to try too! We also went on a whale watching trip.....didn't see any whales, but we did see a lot of dolphins!

Kenneth took these next two pictures, and I edited them for him. Hmmmmm, maybe I have a partner when he gets out?

Scared? Ummm...yes! She was afraid we'd see a shark on our whale trip:)


For the 4th of July we decided to set out on a day trip to Silver City, Idaho's living Ghost town. Silver City, Idaho was a mining town in the 1800's. Some homes are still owned by families who lived there. Most are privately owned, and are used during the summer months. The Idaho Hotel serves food, and you can even rent a room! I am including a link so that you may read more about a family who moved from England to seek a new life. They ended up here: