Tuesday, March 9, 2010


With the arrival of MWSS-372 coming soon, I had Kali's class, as well as many others make "Welcome Home" cards for each and every Marine in that unit! I must say we exceeded expectations, and sent Camp Pendleton 520 cards (pre-school-3rd grade)!!! These were put in goodie bags in the Marines freshly cleaned barracks, and await their arrival! Each Marine will have two cards! Now, I have come up with another idea for the pictures of these cards. I'm thinking about making note cards, packaging them up, then selling them with a portion of the proceeds to go to a Marine/military charity. These cards would target military family/friends, or those who just want to send a card to someone in the military. I will let everyone know when I have them for sell, and what charity will benefit from the sale of these cards. They will be on my etsy shop.

The one below is one that Kali made of her Bubba. She was home with the flu, and made 16 cards!
The one below is another of Kali's